Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rousseau Tigers

Second grade kids created tiger masterpieces like Henri Rousseau!

We read the story "The Fantastic Jungles of Henri Rousseau" and learned all kinds of things about Rousseau.

He was a self taught artist who loved to paint in the greenhouse.  He was in his first art show in his early forties. He loved to paint jungle pictures even though he had never been to a jungle.  Instead, he used pictures from the newspaper to help him figure out how to draw wild animals like lions and tigers!  This is great news for us because most of us have never been to the jungle either! 

Here is some of his art:

Here is some of our art!

Learning Goals: I can...
- Tell about Henri Rousseau
- Create smooth sides and lines with tempera paint
- Create a step by step painting without using any pencil!

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